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About the Project

Fox-era is a non-profit fictional company that is focused on saving the endangered species of foxes. A dedicated mobile app along with a responsive website were designed.

Project duration

December 2021

My Role

UX Designer
UX Researcher



The Problem

There is no dedicated website or a mobile app which will help people to volunteer or donate to save the endangered foxes.

The Goal

The goal of this project is to create awareness and make the public use the Fox-era website and app to donate or volunteer.

My Design Process

Understanding the user

Starting the Design

Refining the design

Going forward

Understanding the user

User Research Summary

To begin my user research journey, I did a lot of research about lot of non-profit organizations, lot of government funds allotted for saving the endangered species. By research I was able to have a better understanding about how to create awareness and take the organization to the general public. The research consisted of creating personas, conducting interviews, empathy maps and competitive audits. The feedback received through the research revealed that the user are willing to use the Fox-era app if they had access to an easy-to-use tool to help guide them.

User Personas


Problem Statement

Katie is a 32-year-old stay at home mother who needs a dedicated mobile app to learn more about endangered species of foxes because she wants to spread the awareness to her friends and families.

Age : 32

Education : HRManagement

Hometown : Denver, Colorado

Family : Husband and 3 kids

Occupation : Stay at home mom


  • To create an awareness about the endangered animals.

  • To reduce cruelty against animals.


  • Feeling guilty about her impact on the environment.

  • No clue on how to start volunteering to save wildlife.

Katie’s goal is “To effectively mainstream the movement to free animals from exploitation and cruelty”


Problem Statement

Alex is a 70-year-old wildlife photographer who wants to share his knowledge about animals and ethical hunting because it’s the only way to save wildlife and ensure future generation of hunters have the same opportunities available to us now.

Age : 70

Education : High School

Hometown : Denver, Colorado

Family : Lives with his dogs

Occupation : Wildlife Photographer


  • To find National wildlife refuge program dedicated for fox.

  • To create Predator control organizations.


  • Very long articles can be overwhelming

  • Not many are coming forward to volunteer.

Alex goal is “Ethical hunting is the only way to make sure all the wildlife have a role in out diverse ecosystem and to ensure future generations of hunters have the same opportunities available to us now”.

Competitive Analysis

An audit of few competitor’s provided direction on gaps and opportunities to address with the Fox-era app and responsive website.

Starting the Design


After ideating and drafting paper wireframes, I created wireframes keeping in mind for the easy access for the “Donate” option.

Low-fidelity Prototype

I was aiming to design the most efficient user flow that users can get the information they needed to learn more about endangered species of foxes or to be part of the volunteering community.

Usability study: Parameters

Study type

Unmoderated Usability study


New York, NY, USA


30-45 Mins


5 Participants

Usability study: findings

Most users felt the app would be useful in helping endangered foxes, however had some difficulties with the functionality and visibility of key features.

  • Donate via mail

Users wanted a ”Donate via mail” option included in the mobile app and web page

  • Social Media

Users could not access social media links provided in webpage and mobile app.

  • Accessible language

Many users were not aware of the term “What’s Now”

Refining the Design


Based on the insights from the usability study, I applied design changes like providing option for ”Donate via mail” in my mockup.

Key Mockups for mobile application

Mockups for responsive website

High-fidelity Prototype

The final High- fidelity prototype aimed to achieve the results obtained from the usability study.

High-fidelity prototype of responsive website

High-fidelity prototype of mobile app.

Accessibility considerations

  • Accessibility settings includes text size, voice access, color contrast, voice access and bold colors.

  • Clear labels with screen reader capabilities.

  • A clear hierarchy is established on the home screen and pages to help initiate focus and define the primary task or action for the user.


A site map was created to organize the information architecture so that we can ensure cohesive and consistent experience across device.

Going forward



Users found that the information found across devices helped them to learn more about the endangered species of foxes and would love to work towards saving by donating or volunteering

What I learned

I have learned that more users will use the service if they have the knowledge about the product or services.

Next steps

  1. Conduct an another round of usability study to know how successful the responsive website and mobile app are in reaching their goal.
  2. Add more educational research topics and link for the users to have a better understand of the endangered animals around the world.
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